
Musings and thoughts on Engineering Leadership


EmberConf 2014 - Setting the Scene

This conference was the first official Ember conference and it was fantastic. read more


Opening Keynote

Talking about the opening keynote at EmberConf read more


Using Ember to Make the Seemingly Impossible Easy

Using Ember to Make the Seemingly Impossible Easy read more


Controlling Route Traversals with Flow

Controlling Route Traversals with Flow read more


Being a Healthy Programmer

Health issues. Something we all face as developers but is not really talked about. Being a developer comes with some very specific health concerns that are different than what I’ve experienced in other fields. read more


Ember- An Intro

I’ve recently started learning Ember. The process of learning ember has been really interesting so far, but one issue I’ve found is a lack of newbie-centric articles since the language is so new. read more


Interesting Reads 3/15 - 3/21

Interesting Reads 3/15 - 3/21 read more


So Many Random Learnings

I love learning and in the past few weeks, I've learned so much!! In lieu of a more organized post on this stuff, here’s a random smattering of what I’ve learned the last few weeks. read more


Interesting Reads 3/8 - 3/14

Interesting Reads 3/8 - 3/14 read more


Learning to Code is NOT Easy

In the past few months, the necessity to learn to code has been everywhere. read more


Final Gem Post- The Action Class

Final Gem Post- The Action Class read more


Interesting Reads 3/1 - 3/7

Interesting Reads 3/1 - 3/7 read more


New Questions as a Professional Programmer

There are a few steps, I think, in my early days of learning to code progression, where I feel as if leaps were taken. read more


Interesting Reads Double-Wammy edition

Interesting Reads Double-Wammy edition read more


Interesting Reads 2/7 - 2/14

Interesting Reads 2/7 - 2/14 read more


Interesting Reads 2/1 - 2/7

Interesting Reads 2/1 - 2/7 read more

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