02-Feb-2020 by Allison McMillan

Read Time: Approx. 2 minutes

Parent Driven Development: Goals and What's to come

Parent Driven Development is 2 years in! I can hardly believe it. Here are some milestones:

  • We've recorded over 40 episodes covering a whole variety of topics, issues, ideas, geniuses, and failures.
  • We've said goodbye to some panelists and welcome new ones
  • We have listeners in almost 10 countries
  • We've had episodes that have hit almost 800 listens.
  • We've hired an incredible assistant who's helped to so much to keep us on track

I'm really happy with what we've been able to do so far and I think folks who listen to the podcast have enjoyed, laughed, maybe cried a little, learned, and felt less lonely as a parent in tech. But I've still got big plans for this podcast because it's important.

Someone once asked me what would you do to get to your goal if there were no boundaries or obstacles? I've started thinking about challenging projects of opportunities in this way because it frees me from my concerns about thinking about what's realistic or not, and allows me to simply dream big. With that in mind, here are some of my goals for the 3rd year of Parent Driven Development.

1. Garner more financial support

Right now I'm paying out of pocket for all PDD expenses which includes audio editing, podcast assistant costs, website hosting, etc. I think that Parent Driven Development sends an important message and plays a necessary role in the technology ecosystem to make parents feel less alone and make companies and colleagues more aware of common struggles. It provides education, comic relief, and camraderie. But I would love to break even on costs.

Some more specific goals and ideas around doing this are to attract and retain more patreon supporters, engage with sponsors, and attract advertisers.

2. Do more with more support

There is SO MUCH MORE we could do once we're breaking even and maybe even a tiny bit in the black. For starters, a few small things I'd love to tackle this year would be: Swag (hello onesies, nursing tanks, and more!), and small gatherings or get togethers at conferences or events which could include some live recording.

3. Increase listener numbers

We haven't done badly. I'm proud of the number of listeners I have and consistent downloads but our numbers could be better. And the more listeners, the more likely we'll be able to reach some of our other goals, get listener questions, and be able to move beyond, what feels like, the "starter" stage. We're doing more with social media. We're also engaging with different content and brands that we love and who hopefully love us. We're hoping that by reaching out and providing more content, conversation starters, and additional touchpoints, we'll get more listeners, subscribers, and people passing along Parent Driven Development to their friends.

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