07-Feb-2014 by Allison McMillan

Read Time: Approx. 1 minute

Interesting Reads 2/1 - 2/7

Well, it certainly has been a busy week for me. Fortunately, I've also come across some really interesting articles and things to read/watch. AND I've actually read all of the articles this week (except for the last one... it's a video I haven't had a chance to fully check out yet). There's a variety of stuff in here this week so ...


Will NOT Work for shoes! I love shoes, but this is a great article about women and their workplace value.

If you've had a rough week or are a newer developer, this short post is a great pick-me-up.

Personally, I'm not very good at celebrating small wins. That, coupled with the fact that I'm getting used to a "dev" to do list, as opposed to a non-dev to do list, makes it hard sometimes to feel like I'm accomplishing greatness. This post talks about that and some great ways to reflect regularly on your work.

Okay, I lied!! I haven't had a chance to read this article about the amazing new Marvel API, but I've gotta find time soon!

On a slightly dryer note... here's some great HTML5 documentation.

In my new position, I'm learning Javascript... lots of Javascript, but Ember.js in particular. Since I'm new to it, I thought this article gave some interesting, basic pointers about the differences between some of the more popular JS languages.

A great post from Aaron based on a question asked at RetroRuby's Newbie track last week!

And to close out this week, here's a video I haven't watched yet about Postgres and things you haven't found.

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